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Matt Damon Portrait
Paint Used - E-Tac Carbon Black
Airbrushes used - Iwata HP-C+
                        Iwata HP-BCS

All freehand after the outlines were drawn onto plain white A3 Bristol Board paper using a charcoal pencil.

Approx time spent - 16 hrs

Angelina Jolie (Wanted Movie)

Updated and finished piece.

A3 White Bristol Board.

The background has been prepped using Galleria Acrylics a mix of Vandyke brown & Black.

Outlines projected using an Autograph Tracer with lines drawn with a white charcoal pencil.

Only E-Tac white used for this one along with various types of eraser.

Yana - One of our Four cats

This one was somewhat smaller than the above. A4 Bristol Board.

Projected with the Artograph and then freehand airbrush using Com-Art paints along with various erasing techniques.


Original image projected onto A3 Bristol Board. Freehand airbrush with Com-Art paints along with various erasing techniques.